IAET Membership Application NEW Members Only. Qualifications & MissionQualifications for Membership:Any person of Italian American heritage or any individual who the Executive Board deems to be an asset to our organization will qualify for membership. The individual must have high moral and ethical standards and believe in the Mission Statement of the Italian American Executives of Transportation. Our Purpose is: 1. To assist in educational programs, scholarships, and educational activities. 2. To be of charitable assistance whenever possible to Italian-American groups and other worthwhile organizations. 3. To promote personal acquaintances and friendly relations between its members and to enhance the image of the Italian-American in the community. 4. To promote culture and cultural awareness. Membership Applicants:• must have a sponsor who is a member in good standing.• will be given an interview by a member of the membership committee. • must be approved by IAET Executive Board. Any questions can be directed to: iaet-chicago.org. Name *Spouse / Significant Other(optional)Street *City, State Zip *HomeCell *OtherPreferred PhoneHomeCellOtherEmail *All IAET correspondence will be sent to this email address.BirthdaySponsor *Business or Employment InformationBusiness NameOccupation *Interests *Relationship *Personal Interests/Hobbies *Organizations affiliated with *Upload your photo (headshot) for email and website directoryChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded file(optional)Personal Commitments (required) *I swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the By Laws of the Italian American Executives of Transportation.I promise to live up to the mission of the Italian American Executives of Transportation and to promote Charity, Education, Culture, and enhance a positive image of Italian Americans in the community through my works, acts and deeds.Do you want a free subscription to Fra Noi?YesNoDigital Signature*: *Membership TypeRegular | $75.00Senior | $50.00Membership FeesFees by membership typePayment TypePayPal Credit/Debit CardCheck by mailPay by check through mailItalian American Executives of Transportation (IAET)3800 Division StreetStone Park, Illinois 60165Send