Italian American Executives of Transportation


  • The raising of over $100,000 to support research and sponsor courses beneficial to the Italian American Community at Large
  • Supported the making of the documentary, “And They Came To Chicago: The Italian American Legacy”
  • Supported the writing of “History of Italian Americans in Jazz”, a book by Bill Dal Cerro and David Witter
  • A living history of the Italian Experience at the Library of the University of Illinois
  • Through our direct participation and funding, the “Italians in Chicago” project was born and nurtured.
  • Our dedication and partial funding to the “Italians in Chicago” developed into a $300,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities
  • IAET assisted in the development and sponsorship of Italian Cultural courses at Triton College.
  • Sponsorship of the Italian Week festival at Triton College
  • Partial funding of “The Family and Community Life of Italian-Americans,” by Richard N. Juliani, Villanova University, published in 1983.
  • Co-Sponsorship of the IL Precepio Italian Christmas Pageant  at Triton College, 1983 and 1984
  • Sponsorship and presentation of an education seminar in conjuction with Triton College in Transportation in the 1980’s
  • The funding of college scholarships to individuals of Italian descent for outstanding academic achievement has exceeded $284,000 to date.
  • IAET has supported Fra Noi, Chicagoland’s Italian American voice.
  • Funds Annual IAET Vocal Scholarship Award