2005 IAET Italian Civic Pride – Thomas D. Marcucci – Mayor of Elmhurst

Mayor of the City of Elmhurst, Illinois
Mayor Thomas D. Marcucci is a lifetime resident of Elmhurst, Illinois. He is married 27 years to Mimi. The couple enjoys five daughters.
Mr. Marcucci is a relentless promoter of Elmhurst. During his Mayoral tenure, Mayor Marcucci helped develop the political consensus that lead to the passage of referendums providing for the complete reconstruction of York Community High School and a brand new Elmhurst Public Library at the north end of Wilder Park. He has overseen the revitalization of the Central Business District, increased infrastructure spending, settled a 31-year old dispute with the Illinois Department of Transportation that led to a rebuilding of North Avenue (a $13 million project) and resurrected the Commission on Youth. Mayor Marcucci is widely recognized as an advocate for business and is a sought-after speaker at economic development programs. He has recently spoken at meetings of The Urban Land Institute, The Metropolitan Planning Council, The East-West Corporate Corridor Association, the West Cook County Business Association, and the DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference. In addition, Mayor Marcucci serves as one of four Mayoral representatives from DuPage County on the Chicago Metropolitan Mayors Caucus.
Mayor Marcucci has quite an impressive list of Public Service Activities. To name a few, he was elected Mayor for the City of Elmhurst, Illinois April 1993 to the present time. He is the Past President, DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, Past Treasurer, Suburban O’Hare Commission. He is a Member of PACE Suburban Bus System Board of Directors, Member of the Illinois Legislative Redistricting Commission, Member of the Illinois Compensation Review Board, Member of Illinois Tax Increment Financing Association, Member of the Chicago Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, Executive Board, Member of the Metropolitan Family Services DuPage Board of Directors, District One Representative to County Stormwater Management Committee, Member of the Randy Mikal Scholarship Fund Board of Directors, Former Member of the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC), Former Member of the DuPage Water Commission and a Former Member of the Immaculate Conception Grade School Board of Directors.